
Websites to Read Books Online for Free

They say “there is no friend as loyal as books – Anonymous” and it is true. The world is evolving so are the technology. There was a time when you want to read something, you go to library or buy that book from store. There are people who still do this but who would like to go to a library or buy that book when you can have access to the same book on your phone or laptop.

The internet is everything when you are looking for something. Since everything is available on the internet, you don’t need to go search for the book you want. The best thing is you don’t have to wait for the delivery now as most of the books are digitalized and you can start reading whenever you want from a fully legal online sources.

We have made a list of websites where you can read books online for free without any hurdle. Let’s check out!

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is online library over 60,000 free e-books, started in 1971 by founder Michael S. Hart. The project was started in an effort to digitally archive books in the public domain. You can get some amazing classic and kids’ books for free to read and download. You will also find world’s great literature here with the focus on older work.     

To read any book in your browser using Project Gutenberg, you simply click on “Read this book online: HTML”, and you will be able to read that particular book. Reading in HTML mode in browser will also let you search for words inside the book.

Google Books

Google Books are one of most extensive books collection available over the internet. You will get every type, generation, and mode of book in Google Books. You will also find amazing quotes to inspire you.

In Google Books, searching for any book is same as searching for anything on Google search engine. You will write the name of the book you want to read and you will get results but not all the books available in Google Books are free. For free online books, click on “search tools” and change “any books” to “Free Google eBooks” doing this will filter out free content for you.

Open Library

Open Library is one of the biggest library available over the internet. It is the separate project of internet archives, focused on collecting library records. Till date, they have gathered over a 20 million records from variety of catalogs and single contributions. The goal of Open Library is to create a single web page for every published book, attached with all related material to it.

Z Library

Z Library is one of the biggest ebook library available over the internet with 10,838,632 books currently available. All the categories are available on z-library with easily accessible. If you love reading and want to have a good time without spending any money, Z Library is best for you. The idea is to promote reading culture and provide access to those who are unable to do so. The Z Library is completely free digital library with not just books but also articles as well.


Feedbooks lets you read books online for free whether you are reading on phone, PC or any other gadget. Click on the “catalog” on menu and select the “public domain” and you will be able to access all the free e-books available on the site. You can read and download the e-books in different formats like pdf, kindle, EPUB, whichever your device supports. Feedbooks also has a cloud publishing service available for the original books and public domain.


Manybooks is completely free with over 50,000+ books available over their website including all genres from action, adventure, romance, mystery and thriller to sci-fiction all at one place. There are also section for recommendations to help you decide your next read. You can access all the free e-books in almost all formats.


Free-eBooks is another online free ebooks site where you can read and download books you love. It has around 120+ categories you can choose from. You can also become a member of free ebooks to get the access of download five books a month. Free-ebooks also has the audiobook facility in-case you don’t want to read by yourself.


Bookyards – The library to the world ebooks has a rich collection of books on almost every topic, starting from art to sci-fiction, romance to action, computers to business finance, it has got you covered. You can download and upload a book easily according to categories and authors. If you are looking for academic material like research papers and books in bookyards, you will get a link from where you will be able to access the reference material and other documents.







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