Category: Motivation
Z Library – The World’s Largest Completely Free EBook Library
If you are a book lover, then Z Library is a heaven for you! Yes you read it right. With over 5,877,367 books and 73,759,848 articles, this is one of the world’s largest completely free e-book library on the internet available.
Not Everyone in Your Circle is in Your Corner
Not every person that you think cares about you gives a damn about you. They act like you mean everything to them and will always there for you when you need them but unfortunately they are only there to see you drowning and not to give a helping hand.
6 Ways to Make Your Brain Work Better and Faster in 2021
Brain is the most significant organ of our body. We depend on it for almost everything. They say “consistency is the key to success”, but even for being consistent in your work you need to give rest to your brain in order to recover it to work better and faster.
How to make your brain Work Better in 2021
The brain is the most significant organ of our body. We depend on it for making smallest decisions to biggest. We spend hours and hours in a day to be in a shape, have six packs, biceps and triceps, yet we give little thoughts to our brains.
11 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence in 2020
Confidence is everything one can ask for. No one is born being confident. You have to work on it; you have to build it to help you achieve your goal. If someone has incredible self-confidence, it is because they have worked on it.
5 Types of People You Should Have In Your Circle
There is an old saying that says you are the company you keep. That means people that you have around you whether your friends or colleagues, they have so much influence over you.