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5 Things To Consider Before Using Social Media Scraping Tools


The world is continuously evolving, learning and implementing new technologies to make things easy, and data is the way to do that.  As every other person is connected to social media in some ways, whether you are socializing on social media, working on social media, learning, teaching, giving your opinions, and almost doing everything we used to do in person.

There are billions of people living in this world that comes from all backgrounds, colors and ages and almost everyone uses social media now. Having billions of users using social media, also produces trillions of bytes of data. The question is, how can a business take benefit from this much data? Social media scrapping tools offer effective, structured, and business friendly methods to only extract the valuable data and does not pick the data that is not useful to any specific organization.     

Social media scraping tools allow businesses to gather data about their customers to be analyzed, which is then used to develop marketing and brand strategies by businesses. Scraping data from social media websites can be very critical tasks for web developers and social media marketer.

Continue reading to learn 5 things to consider before using social media scraping tool.

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Bot Detection

Bot detection is the process of determining all the traffic coming to the website, mobile application, or API to stop crawlers and scrappers from abusing or harming the network while allowing the access to the authorized users.

When doing scraping, one should never use the public internet connection for scraping data from social media platforms. Using public internet connection makes easy for social media sites to block your IP address for accessing the data.

To avoid getting blocked by social media sites, always use proxies or VPN (virtual private network) while scraping data. It will not only save you from getting blocked but also allow you to route your traffic through separate networks or servers. By doing this it will also stop the sites to know your pinpoint the origin of your network requests.

Legal Implications

If you think that everything available over the internet is can be scrape or re-use is a mistake. The question of web scraping legality is not as black and white as people assume and one single mistake could lead you to a serious consequences.

Then how one will know if it is legal or not? It is by knowing what kind of data is legal or illegal or something in between will help you in decision making. There are few things one need to consider before and after scraping the data.

Scraping data from public sites is legal. This refers to the data from the websites which does not need to log in or authenticate one’s personal information. However, any data that can reveal a person’s identity, name, and address, medical and financial details is illegal. It is illegal to scrape any personal information without person’s consent or legal motivation. Before scraping any website for its data, make sure to read its policies and terms of services to better understand the rights of the user.

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Quality of Data

In social media scraping, you will get a two types of data, structured and non-structured or raw data. In non-structured data, it is faster and affordable. However, structured data is much more helpful and responsive.

Data is most valuable thing for today’s businesses, agencies, and social media marketers. But it is only useful if it is a quality of a data. Most of the data available over the internet is low quality due to incomplete information, data entry errors or data transformation etc.

Accessibility of Data

There are a lot of online tools available over the internet for the accessibility of data. These tools allow you to download the large amount of the data. The scraping tools also give the benefit of allowing you to save the copy for future analysis or use. For accessibility of data, always check the site’s terms and condition before using any social media scraping tool.

Social media sites may limit the amount of the data you can download or the tool will work on the sites. Free social media scraper tools may also be not as efficient as they are supposed to be. Social sites may also prevent you from downloading personal information of the user to protect the user privacy rights or prevent misuse by third party companies.

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Customer Service and Support

As you already know that for scraping data from social sites, you have to use scraping software. The customer support of scraper should be very good as you will be dependent on them if you face any issue while scraping.

Let’s say if you are facing any issue, your first contact point will be customer support and if it is not good, your time and money will be wasted.  Having a data scraping software with good customer service helps a lot. Before buying any scraper tool, do read its reviews and testimonials so you won’t have to regret later.


As we have discussed almost all the important things to consider before using social media scraping tools. You must check all the options carefully before making any decision, so you can be sure you are getting good value of your money and high quality results.

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